Planting out Pumpkin Plants

Sowing Pumpkin Seeds
Getting my kids outside can be a challenge, now that they are venturing into their tweens and teens. However back in April, the incentive of Halloween pumpkin carving spurred my son on to plant some pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkins come in all shapes and size, you’ll be spoilt for choice! Take a look at some of the options at Gardeners World:
We planted the pumpkin seeds on their sides about 2cm deep in seed compost, leaving them to germinate on the kitchen windowsill, where they grew quite quickly and were ready to harden off by late May.

Hardening off the Pumpkin Plants
At the end of May, we placed the pumpkin plants outside, just in the daytime, to harden off. They were brought in each night. The following week, we left the pumpkin plants outside day and night, for the week.

Preparing the Planting Beds

I dug over a couple of neglected raised beds and mixed in some compost.
Planting the Pumpkin Plants

Once the soil was prepared, I dug a mound about 5-10cm high for each pumpkin, to lift the large pumpkin leaves higher to avoid rotting.
I added some feed. I used Incredicrop*. Then I watered the pumpkin plants thoroughly. Pumpkins are hungry plants, so it is advised to use a tomato feed every 10-14 days.

Pumpkin Watch…..
The pumpkins are planted and seem happy in their new home. I will tentatively wait and see what grows. I’ll keep you posted…..

Click Below to Watch the Pumpkin Reel
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