Potty over Winter Pots…

I haven’t been too adventurous in the past with container displays, so this winter I thought I would give it a go. Anything to brighten up January 2021.

I am a big fan of Adam Frost and he has designed a planter arrangement, which I have seen in a magazine, so thought I would try it.

I treated myself to a new terracotta pot and filled it half way up with some multi-purpose compost.

My plant ingredients…..

Pieris Japonica Purity

Carex Testacea



I plan to put the planter against the wall at the back door, so I wanted an obvious front and back view.  Therefore, I started by putting the taller plants at the back, working my way forward, filling any gaps in with the compost.  I watered the finished display in well and raised it off the ground with some old bricks, to avoid the pot getting too wet, which could lead to the plants rotting.

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