Gardening Jobs for August – sow as you grow

August jobs are mostly about watering, dead-heading, weeding, pruning and mowing. Lets get busy…

Pruning & Tidying
- Dead-head, dead-head, dead-head to keep those blooms blooming. My recommended secateurs
- Cut back lavender once it has finished flowering
- Prune wisteria
- Cut back geraniums to the ground
- Give support to tall plants such as hydrangeas, rudbekias, asters, echinaceas
- Prune rambling roses once they have finished flowering
- Trim conifer and evergreen hedges

Sow as you Grow
- Collect seed pods and store in paper envelopes or seed packets if you’re not planting them straight away
- Pick cut flowers and bring the outside in. I recently bought a set of Kahler vases, which display individual flowers beautifully.
- Sow flower seeds for next year e.g. calendula, cornflowers, forget-me-nots, poppies
- Feed containers. I use a liquid feed.
- Sow spinach, chard, beetroot, salad leaves
- Sow basil, marjoram, chives, coriander, dill

Bulbs and Tubers
- Support dahlias and lilies
- Pick lilies, dahlias, echinacea etc for arrangements
- Divide irises

Fruit and Veg
- Plant out brassicas and leeks
- Keep feeding tomatoes
- Divide chive clumps
- Propagate strawberries using their runners
- Shelter fruit from birds with nets
Here are a couple of log books to get you organised…
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