January Highlights

January Highlights Hellebores These sturdy hellebores, also known as Christmas Roses, have had various homes in my garden. At the moment, they look right at home in the Winter Patch and will continue flowering into Spring.  They like to be positioned in light shade...

You say tomato…I say how many?

You say tomato, I say how many?… I went tomato crazy last year! Although 2020 brought with it: the doom and gloom of covid; the obsessive washing of groceries; rationing of loo rolls…..oh and finding endless uses for bananas, it also brought with it (for...

Feed the Birds

Feed the Birds Trees very much dominate the area where we have moved to.  In turn I have been lucky enough to watch and listen to a much wider variety and number of birds.  Every morning a wee robin appears from the hedge outside our back door.  It seems to have found...

Winter Pots

Potty over Winter Pots… I haven’t been too adventurous in the past with container displays, so this winter I thought I would give it a go. Anything to brighten up January 2021. I am a big fan of Adam Frost and he has designed a planter arrangement, which I...

Winter Pruning

Winter Pruning We inherited this old man of an apple tree with the house. The tree had been left to overgrow for a decade, so a couple of years ago we got a tree surgeon to take a look at it. He gave the tree a hard prune, opening up the branches, which can be clearly...

Propagating Strawberries

Propagating Strawberries Over a year ago, I planted some strawberry plants in a basket and forgot all about them. Around came 2020 and I, like a lot of people, became obsessed with planting vegetables and baking banana bread.  I found the bedraggled strawberry plants...

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